Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Office Set

From one magazine to another, here am I in front of LEXON - design in life 2013 - catalog. Well, it would be a selfish gesture from me to keep the info for myself. Being "struck" by a straight line design, I thought that every methodical person should possess this desk set of accessories. This office set comprises a tape dispenser, calculator, USB hub, stapler, hole punch, clock, calendar, and a magnifying glass.
Picture taken from: http://red-dot.de/pd/wp-content/uploads/onex_2012/big/13-0921-2012-1.jpg
In order to reveal the entire information, I will take it methodically.

  • First step was taken by opening the issuu website, where issuu is:
A world of publications.

For you, created by you.

    • LEXON, an international designers team, two corporate teams, numerous awards... 
    Since 1991, Lexon has established a granted relationship with Creativity.

    Above all, it is about making an object enjoyable for its daily use.

    • Check out other products designed by Adrian Wright and Jeremy Wright simply by visiting their website, DesignWright.
    That's all I have to say! What is your opinion on this?